Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Hi, My name is Momma, and I'm a magazine-a-holic

Look in any room in my house, save maybe the kids' rooms, and you'll find stacks and stacks... and stacks... of magazines! And catalogs! Can't forget the catalogs.

It's an addiction. I can't help myself. Whether I'm waiting in the checkout at the grocery store, buying something online where they offer you that little checkbox to opt-in to their mailing list, or getting a mom's night out at a book and coffee shop, I have to get my hands on those glossy pages. I'm not sure when it started, or why it's grown into such an obsession for me, but, next to crafting and sleeping, flipping through a magazine or catalog is the most relaxing activity I can find. And I love it because it's portable, takes up little space, is quiet (aaaahhh) and requires little thought if I just want to look at the pretty pictures.

I really look forward to the evenings when the kids are in bed, hubby is busy in the garage, and I can flop on the couch, turn off the tube, and immerse myself in whatever I decide my hobby is that day. So in many years of magazine collecting, I've come up with a few faves.

1) Southern Living
Yes, I'm a yankee, but this is still by far my favorite! It just has everything a homemaking Mama could want... beautiful decorating, awesome food, fabulous entertaining, dreamy travel, luscious gardens... and all with that aire of southern sophistication and hospitality. Why isn't there a northern equivalent? The closest I get is the "mid-atlantic" supplement that comes with my subscription. But anyway, I have issues of this mag dating back 8 years since my hubby noticed my fascination with his Southern landlady's subscription. I just can't part with them. A Southern Living recipe has never failed me, so I've even subscribed to their annual cookbooks! Though, in the past year, I've given that up since most recipes can now be found on the website :) And any future vacation will be planned with a S.L. travel article at the ready. Sorry Chicago and Salt Lake, I'm headed south!

2) Everyday Food
I got turned on to Everyday Food (a publication of the Martha Stewart empire) a couple of years ago when some users of another journal site formed a group just to chat about each issue! I figured it must be good if it warranted its own community. So I picked up an issue at the grocery store, took it home, and promptly found myself back at the grocer's buying some simple ingredients to try out the recipes. And try I did! I cooked every single recipe in that issue, and they all got rave reviews for their simplicity, practicality, and of course, taste!

3) Fitness
I recently re-subscribed to this publication. I'm admittedly a fitness failure, although my biggest problem is motivation rather than lack of knowledge. I find that Fitness helps me, however, in both areas. The information makes exercise seem actually doable for a beginner. I think the tone of the articles isn't condescending, but truly encouraging. Trackers and planners on the website are also very helpful and their usefulness was the reason I decided to resubscribe.

So those are my top three. What are your favorites?

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